“The Parodarsh story began some 5000 years ago in Persia with Zarathustra, the first Prophet of the world. The Prophet noted some amazing qualities about the rooster. He saw it as the harbinger of light, dispelling darkness each day with its voice. A bird who took care of his brood and fought till death if challenged to a duel. Always alert and focused, the bird actually followed the Threefold Path of Cosmic Order : Humata, Huxta, Huvarshta ( Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds).
At Team Parodarsh, we took this forward and gave shape to hope, luck, positivity and good vibes through timeless Indian handcrafted pieces showcasing legacy and regality of a Parodarsh.
Bring one home today!”
Founder & Curator, Parodarsh